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pronunciación falta agregar

Etimología 1[editar]

Del inglés antiguo brycge, y este del protogermánico *brugjo, del protoindoeuropeo *bhru.


Singular Plural
bridg bridges
Grafía obsoleta de  bridge.
  • Ejemplo:

I have read of a man , who being drunk, rode over a narrow bridg ( the firſt and laſt that ever paſt that way , as which in all likelihood lead him to imminent death ) and next morning viewing how he had eſcaped , fell into a ſwound with acting over again the danger of his adventure , in his own apprehenſions.William Crompton. A Pastors Farwel to a Beloved Flock. Página 173. 1667.

Referencias y notas[editar]